- Welcome to my blog! I am a follower of Jesus, pastor’s wife, mother of two and I am Honey to five grandchildren. I love to teach. I enjoy teaching whether I am leading a women’s Bible study, speaking at a women’s retreat or telling a Bible story to a group of four year olds. I love my husband, kids and grandkids with a passion and nothing thrills me more than seeing them grow in Jesus. I like having my whole family around me with all the noise and laughter and I enjoy running away with Chris in the camper for time alone with him.
- I worked in the field of education for over 25 years and have done consulting work since 2002. I love being a part of the You Are My Treasure team with my girls. All three of us enjoy being representatives for Monat hair care products, too. It seems that what we do…we do together because it is so much more fun!
- I am so thankful that I met Jesus at an early age and have been walking with Him ever since that time. I have experienced victories and defeats. I am thankful for the victories and for the grace that God extends to us in those times we are in the pit. Let me introduce you to the people who are so special to me…

This is my husband, Chris. We serve together at Central Baptist in College Station, Texas.
He is the Senior Pastor.

My son, Stephen, and his wife, Courtney live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. He works for Guidestone in Dallas and she is a teacher at Liberty Christian in Argyle, TX.

Stephen and Courtney have twins, Drew and Charis.
Drew loves the outdoors…whether climbing trees, playing paintball or shooting his bow and arrow. Charis is a gymnast and also loves the outdoors. She enjoys anything that is American Girl…reading the books and playing with the dolls.

This is my youngest, Lauren, who is married to Byron Blaschke. Byron works in Corporate Finance with Waste Management in Houston. They live in The Woodlands. Lauren has her Masters Degree in Education and has taught in the public and private sector. Currently, she is an active blogger, speaker and stays busy being a mom with their blended family of three children.

Ethan enjoys baseball and reading. Layla is the chemist of the family…always mixing up some slime or is creating an art project! Wesley, loves percussion and weapons. They all love the outdoors and especially enjoy all of the children in the neighborhood.